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Jacky Miller came across on 2017(04/05) and asked that I share her page

Let me know( if you have a site you would like highlighted. It is nice to see that people stumble across my pages that I create mainly as a way to kill time..

298(DENMARK) Faroe Islands(FO)
(pop. 49,709)
299(DENMARK) Greenland(GR)
(pop. 55,847)
30(EU) Greece(GR)
pop. 10,955,000
31(EU) Netherlands(NL)
pop. 17,000,059
32(EU) Belgium(BE)
pop. 11,250,585
33(EU) France(FR)
pop. 66,673,000
34(EU) Spain(ES)
pop. 46,423,064
350(UNITED_KINGDOM) Gibraltar(GI)
(pop. 32,194)
351(EU) Portugal(PT)
pop. 10,427,301
352(EU) Luxembourg(LU)
pop. 562,958
353(EU) Ireland(IE)
pop. 6,378,000
354(EFTA) Iceland(IS)
pop. 332,529
355(EUC) Albania(AL)
pop. 2,886,026
356(EU) Malta(MT)
pop. 445,426
357(EU) Cyprus(CY)
pop. 1,141,166
358(EU) Finland(FI)
pop. 5,488,543
359(EU) Bulgaria(BG)
pop. 7,202,198
36(EU) Hungary(HU)
pop. 9,855,571
370(EU) Lithuania(LT)
pop. 2,878,696
371(EU) Latvia(LV)
pop. 1,973,700
372(EU) Estonia(EE)
pop. 1,315,944
373 Moldova(MD)
pop. 2,913,281
374 Armenia(AM)
pop. 2,998,600
375 Belarus(BY)
pop. 9,498,700
376(MS) Andorra(AD)
pop. 85,470
377(MS) Monaco(MC)
pop. 37,800
378(MS) San Marino(SM)
pop. 32,576
379(MS) Vatican City (The Holy See)(VA)
pop. 690
380 Ukraine(UA)
pop. 44,429,471
381(EUC) Serbia(RS)
pop. 7,041,599
382(EUC) Montenegro(ME)
pop. 676,872
383(EUPC) Kosovo(XK)
pop. 1,859,203
European Telephony
Numbering Space
385(EU) Croatia(HR)
pop. 4,284,889
386(EU) Slovenia(SI)
pop. 2,063,077
387(EUPC) Bosnia and Herzegovina(BA)
pop. 3,871,643
388 European Telephony Numbering Space(EU) 389(EUC) North Macedonia(MK)
pop. 2,069,162
39(EU) Italy(IT)
pop. 60,674,003
40(EU) Romania(RO)
pop. 19,511,000
41(EFTA) Switzerland(CH)
pop. 8,211,700
420(EU) Czech Republic(CZ)
pop. 10,553,443
421(EU) Slovakia(SK)
pop. 5,415,949
423(EFTA) Liechtenstein(LI)
pop. 37,340
43(EU) Austria(AT)
pop. 8,662,588
44(EU) United Kingdom(UK)
pop. 64,716,000
45(EU) Denmark(DK)
pop. 5,707,251
46(EU) Sweden(SE)
pop. 9,858,794
47(EFTA) Norway(NO)
pop. 5,214,900
48(EU) Poland(PL)
pop. 38,483,957
49(EU) Germany(DE)
pop. 81,459,000
90(EUC) Turkey(TR)
pop. 82,835,090

EU European Union
EFTA European Free Trade Association
EUC European Union Candidate
EUPC European Union Potential Candidate
MS Microstate


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